Sustainability in practice
We combine high-quality work with active responsibility
Responsibly shape the future
In our position as a global company, Hoffmann Interior also makes its contribution to the preservation of our planet. So we can say with full conviction: everyone benefits from the principles of sustainable business. With the ongoing acquisition of modern and environmentally friendly plant technology, we are therefore deliberately investing in the future of generations to come.
The extent of the environmental footprint that we leave behind is also key to the effective protection of the climate and environment. For this reason, we combine the use of alternative energy sources with modern recycling standards to save raw materials and, at the same time, reduce our waste. The wide range of comprehensive environmental protection measures form a sustainable overall concept together with our total quality management (TQM). Hoffmann Interior can include compliance with its high standards in all phases of production: from the raw material to the finished item of furniture for your interior design.
Environmental protection through innovation
Environmental responsibility is a top priority at Hoffmann Interior. That is exactly why independence from fossil fuels is so important to us: for example, we now heat the entire company exclusively with waste wood from our production. At the same time, we can use around 80% of the waste heat produced in combination with efficient heat recovery. We are also setting standards in other places: all the in-house vehicles used have been completely converted to electric operation.
In the course of the ongoing improvements, we also made sustainable changes in our paint shop: regenerable filter media, recycled cleaning agents and high-quality water-based paints make their contribution to an unspoilt environment.
One of the most important innovations includes the expansion of our photovoltaic plant. The great advantage: a significant increase in capacity that allows us to produce 75% of the total electricity requirements on site with our PV plant. At the same time, we also completely rely on regenerative fuels for heating our company.
The GEP Lean & Green Check highlights our sustainable measures in the area of "energy and material efficiency" in a particularly positive way: the heat requirements at Hoffmann Interior are entirely covered through the recovery of waste wood and wood chips from production. Since no fossil fuels are burned, such as oil or gas, there are no additional CO2 emissions in this area. Our exemplary waste management concept also includes the systematic recycling of materials and the relevant training of our employees.